What did I get myself into???

Observations / Musings / Occasional Rants

Spring Break => Code, Code, Read, Code

Today is the first day of my school’s Spring break. I’m off until April 7th. Now is when I have to stop thinking and talking about all the great stuff I’m going to get done over the break and start actually doing it. So here’s my Spring break checklist:

  • Get my “fundraise” Rails app into presentable shape and deploy it to Heroku
  • Create a Sinatra app that utilizes either the Twitter or 4Squre API (OR a Rails app that catalogs, retrieves, and displays photo image files based on their embedded EXIF data)
  • Start writing tests using Rspec for everything!
  • Watch one Code School video each day (Rails, Javascript, GIT)
  • Finish reading Eloquent Ruby
  • Finish reading Pragmatic Thinking & Learning
  • Revisit my HTML tutorial book to prep for learning Javascript
  • Finish my income taxes (Always sucks. Times a million when you owe like my sorry ass.)

Yeah. That’s it.

And of course blogging about my progress along the way. (I’ll try to keep the cursing to a minimum.)

Getting good at something means going through various periods of being not-good, during which you tend to feel dumb, clueless, incompetent.” - Erika Andersen, Forbes